Sewing this week

Let's try to get back into a weekly update here, shall we? Mmm-hmmm, we'll see about that!

As you know, half this week was spent hunting the camera cable and recovering from Fort Fred, but I did manage to do a couple sew-y things, besides washing and putting away all my things from Fort Fred. (This doesn't always happen in a timely fashion, so it's noteworthy!)

First, I darned the hole in my striped petticoat that I wore to Fort Fred. Where did the hole come from? Who knows! Very Mysterious. But now it's all Authentick and Liv'd In, or something.

And then I worked on the mockups for my 19-teens skirt and blouse. I'm going to see the Downton Abbey costume exhibit at Winterthur Museum in Delaware with my friends on May 17th, and of course we're dressing for the occasion! And of course I need something new.

I've had some light blue wool in the stash that's wanted to be a teens suit for forever, and I bought a light blue and white rayon print to use for the blouse. I decided to be clever and wait to do the jacket til after I make the skirt and blouse first! That way at least I'll have a wearable outfit even if I don't finish the jacket in time.

Mockups are as follows. Not at their best in old sheet and cheap muslin, and I didn't put cuffs or collar on the blouse (because why bother), but it's a general idea!
Both started out as modern "Big 3" patterns; the blouse as a giant ugly McCall's, and the skirt as one of those 6-in-1 Simplicity patterns. Both have gone through quite a bit of tweaking, and the front pleats in the skirt are from a little diagram in the front of Patterns of Fashion 2.

Hopefully next week I'll be posting a mostly finished outfit! (Ha. Ha. Ha.)


  1. I like the skirt! It's interesting.

    1. Thank you! I was terrified of a boring straight skirt, but didn't want to put any actual effort into trims, haha. This worked out nicely!

  2. Awesome latest fashion trend blog! A great platform to stay updated on the newest styles, trends, and fashion inspirations.


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