
Showing posts from December, 2012

The Historical Sew Fortnightly

Look for a "What I've Sewn This Year" post soon (since it's the last few days of the year! Eeep! And yeah, that'll be a short post), but for the moment, something else. I've decided to participate in The Dreamstress' Historical Sew Fortnightly for 2013 (you should join in! All the cool kids are doing it). I don't think I'll make all the challenges, but I'm really looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with! She's posted the first few challenges, and I've been mulling them over...

1920s gold and white evening dress

As per usual, it's not done -done, but done-enough-to-be-worn! Which it was, last night, to Cairnwood by Candlelight , and at which I got precisely zero good pictures. So you'll have to make do with one or two bad ones for now.

Photos of striped 1770s jacket

The one I made in April and haven't had a chance to wear yet? Well, I still haven't had a chance to wear it, but I was off work today, and since it's ridiculously unseasonably warm, decided to put it on and take pictures.