Sewing Sunday
Hey, I'm remembering to update promptly; go, me! No pictures though, so it's a boring update. Currently I'm knee-deep in the early Sunday there's a group of us taking a trip to Riversdale House in Maryland, and since it was built in the early years of the century, naturally we're dressing Regency. As you might know, I've got quite a sufficiency of warm-weather Regency dresses...but I want something new! As usual. To that effect, I've got a light blue, lightweight linen spencer half-finished, and silk in the mail for a new, simple bonnet. And I'm still poking away at the other Regency bonnet I'm making for a's at the be-flannel-ing stage now. And I've been really starting to collect my thoughts and materials for the Six Wives project, which I don't think I've talked about here. The Ren Faire in our area has changed their scenario for this year - they've always done QEI, but this time they...